While every parent is always sure (and willing to state it out loud), that his or her child is the most special and talented kid on the planet, sometimes this is true. In fact, every single child has a set of unique talents which are to be up-brought and developed in…
Month: April 2016

Applaud and Praise Efforts
While some conservative folks tend to have a prejudice for “participation trophy” generation and stuff, most of child psychologists agree, that in between the ages of 4 and 8 applauding and recognizing all the efforts made by your child is crucial!

Respect Different Learning Styles
It is a fact that’s been proved by both child education professionals and child psychologists that every kid has its own learning curve and pace. This means, that the “one fits them all” approach to child education and mentoring is not only wrong and oppressive, but…

Make Your Kids Read
While the notion has been proved correct many decades, still the habit of reading off-school is not cultivated by a plurality of parents, whatever the state they live in. From Arkansas to Massachusetts, families simply do not pay enough attention to whether their kids…