Ages: 3 to 4+ years
Full time, part-time, and drop in (all year)
Monday through Friday 6:30A to 6:30P (see note)
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks included
Must be toilet trained
Age appropriate developmental activities
- circle time/story time
- language / verbal
- fine motor
- active gross motor play
- art
- music/movement
- blocks
- sensory exploration
- dramatic play
- nature / science
- video and computer
- accepting diversity
- field trips and community/parent visitors
Your child’s developmental assessment (twice per year)
Note: Refer to “Schedules, Fees and Tuition” form for holiday closings, and other schedule variations.

- 1 – 5 days per month $69.00
- 15 – 15 days per month $59.00
- 15 – 30 days per month $49.00

Parent Testimonial
Today, my son surprised me by wanting to get dressed, on his own. Even though his shoes were on the wrong feet, he was very proud of himself.
Mr. G of Elburn, IL
A note from the Director
Young children need to play. Children learn through quality play activities, which are planned by our teachers. A child’s play is their work.
Miss Kim